Good Night Prayer For My Husband

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Want some ideas for a Good Night Prayer for my Husband? Here are some you can use.

When you’re married, you not only get to spend the early morning, and afternoons together, but you also get to spend the slow nights together.

The nights when you are so exhausted and you can’t wait to get in bed.

The nights when you are tossing and turning and struggling with sleeplessness.

The nights when you are filled with anxiety, or you are battling with thoughts.

Whichever kind of night your husband is experiencing, you can ask God to bless him with a good night.

image reads "good night prayer for husband" and shows a couple looking at each other at sunset.

After a long day, your husband may feel as though he is simply exhausted. If he is going through a tough time, or work has been stressful, it can hinder his ability to rest, and to sleep through the night.

Sleep is an important part of being human, that allows us to not only function well, but to be more present in our day, relationships, work, and life in general.

If you’d like to end off the day intentionally, one of the ways you can do so is by praying that your husband has a restful night of sleep. Here are some prayers to get you started. 

Good Night Prayer For My Husband

Prayer for Peace As He Sleeps 

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for another day that You have blessed us with. I am grateful that I get to spend my waking days and my sleeping moments with my loving husband. Thank You for carrying him through this day, and protecting him every step of the way. 

You know the things that have burdened him, stressed him out, or that lie heavy on his heart. You know the struggles that he faces, and the fears that he has. I ask Lord, that as he prepares to draw this day to a close, that You would enfold him in Your peace. Please grant him comfort in the areas that he needs comfort, and peace where there is fear or anxiety. 

I ask that You would help him to unload his burdens before you, and come to you for peace. Please put to rest any thoughts that may keep him up and hinder his sleep. Help him to sleep peacefully, and to know that You are watching over him. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Prayer for Safety Through the Night 

Thank You for all the years of protection that You have had over my family. I think especially of my husband tonight, and ask that You would protect him as he sleeps through the night. Please surround our home with Your hedge of protection. Keep any one with wrong motives outside of our home, and keep wicked plans from succeeding. 

I ask that You please guard every door and window in our home. May our home be covered in Your protection, and may we rest peacefully. Help my husband to find his comfort and rest in you, knowing that he does not have to stay up anxiously but that he can sleep in peace, knowing that You are protecting him and our family. 

Even as he dreams, I ask that You protect his thoughts, and keep the enemy from influencing his dreams. I ask that You remove any fearful thoughts from his mind, and remind him that You are with him, and that he doesn’t have to be afraid. Help him to sleep in safety. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer to Trust in God

Dear God,
There is so much that goes on in life, it can be easy to forget that a big part is trusting You with it. Sometimes we can get so caught up in our lives, it can keep us up at night, filled with anxiety and fear of the future. Wondering how we are going to perform, or how we are going to make ends meet, or which decision we should make, or path we should take. 

I know that my husband has a lot on his shoulders. I know sometimes he tries to take it all on by himself. But we don’t have to take it on by ourselves. We can walk through life, knowing that You are with us, and trusting You with our lives. We can wake up in the morning knowing that You are there, and we can go to bed, knowing that You won’t leave us or forsake us. 

As my husband prepares to sleep tonight, I ask that You help him to lay down all things before You. If anything is causing anxiety, or if there are areas where he feels uncertainty or doubt, I ask that You grant him stillness and peace. Help him to trust in You, and to surrender to You. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Your Husband 

Your word says that every good and perfect gift comes from You. I am so thankful for all the gifts that You have blessed me with, but most of all, I am thankful that You have entrusted me with my husband. Thank You, Lord, for my husband’s life. As we get ready for bed tonight, I cannot help but think how blessed I am to have him in my life. 

Thank You for allowing our paths to cross, and allowing us to create this beautiful, imperfect, but wonderful life together. Thank You for strengthening us through the lows of life, and giving us one another to enjoy the highs with. Thank You for the everyday things that my husband does, that I may not always see, acknowledge or appreciate. 

I am thankful that I have someone who sees me as I am, and loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for his heart, and the qualities that he has that I not only get to enjoy but that I get to learn from. Please help me to express my gratitude and love to him in more ways. May he know that he is truly cherished and that I am one proud wife. I ask that You bless my husband as he ends this day, and puts his head to rest. Please bless him with Your peace and grant him a restful night of sleep. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer to Overcome Sleeplessness 

I just want to thank You for opening up my husband’s eyes this morning, and blessing him with a new day. I know that he has been struggling with sleeplessness, and although he feels tired, it seems he can’t quite fall asleep or feel rested. In the times when he is turning and tossing, I ask that You would remind him that he’s not alone. 

Remind him that You are there with him, even at the oddest times of the night. Help him to know that he can turn to You even in his sleeplessness, and that he will find you. You never slumber or sleep. May he bring this burden of sleeplessness to You in prayer. If there is something that is on his mind that is keeping him awake, I ask that You would help him to sort through it. 

If there are thoughts that are bothering him, I ask that You would help him to take every thought captive under Christ. Please help him to give up any thoughts of anxiety, and fear and anticipation for the day or week that is ahead of him. I ask that You would help him to overcome his sleeplessness, and help him to see if there is a certain issue that is causing or worsening this struggle. Please help him to rest tonight, and wash away the tiredness from him. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Praying for your husband is a powerful way to support him and strengthen your marriage. Through prayer, you can ask for guidance, protection, and blessings for your husband and your relationship.

It can also help you cultivate a deeper connection with God and enhance your own spiritual growth.

Whether you are facing challenges or simply seeking to deepen your love and commitment to one another, taking time to pray for your husband can have a profound impact on your life and relationship.

So, take some time today to say a prayer for your husband, and watch as your marriage blossoms and flourishes.

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

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