Who’s Most Likely To…? Questions: For Couples & Friends

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Grab your partner, grab a friend, grab your whole family, and let’s play a fun game with this list of “Who’s Most Likely To…” questions for a fun couples questions game. Perfect for a fun Date Idea to add to your day with your partner!

text reads "Who's Most Likely To...Questions" with 2 girls laughing playing with their hair as mustaches.

This questions game is a fun comparison about who is most likely to do the action of the question. Find out what everyone thinks about each other in this silly game.

How To Play:

Write down questions that begin with “who is most likely to…” and fill in the blank. (Or just read our whole list of “Who’s Most Likely To…Questions”.

Take turns reading off questions, and each person gets to shout out who they think the answer is.

This game is a fun way to get to know a little more about each other, but also get to know what other people think of you!

Do you want to know who is most likely to…? Here are some fun questions to add to your game.

RELATED: Couples Game Night
Road Trip Questions For Couples

Who’s Most Likely To… Questions For Couples

If you’re looking for a fun couples question game, this one is perfect for quick and fun conversation starters. These questions can also work for any 2 people who know each other well.

  1. Who is more likely to wash the dishes?
  2. Who is most likely to clean up after a party?
  3. Who is most likely to drive on long trips?
  4. Who is most likely to do the grocery shopping?
  5. Who is most likely to cook?
  6. Who is most likely to take out the trash?
  7. Who is most likely to sleep in on a Sunday?
  8. Who is most likely to make a big purchase?
  9. Who is most likely to know the lyrics of every song ever written?
  10. Who is most likely to say sorry first?
  1. Who is most likely to dress up for Halloween?
  2. Who is most likely to stay in and watch Netflix on a Friday night?
  3. Who is most likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger?
  4. Who is most likely to order dessert?
  5. Who is most likely to give in and eat the last piece of pizza?
  6. Who is most likely to eat the most in one sitting?
  7. Who is most likely to stick up for themselves when they know they are right?
  8. Who is most likely to give up on the argument?
  9. Who is most likely to bring home a stray animal?
  10. Who is most likely to stay up all night watching movies?
  1. Who is most likely to quit their job?
  2. Who is most likely to forget to eat all day?
  3. Who is most likely to always have to stop to use the restroom?
  4. Who is most likely to plan a trip?
  5. Who is most likely to skip their morning routine and go right back to sleep?
  6. Who is most likely to drink the whole bottle of wine on a Saturday night?
  7. Who is more likely to make up after an argument first?
  8. Who is most likely to be late?
  9. Who is most likely to stay in their sweats all day?
  10. Who is most likely to be the designated driver on a night out?
  1. Who is most likely to put themselves before anyone else when it comes to taking care of others needs?
  2. Who is more likely to find money in an old jacket pocket during spring cleaning season?
  3. Who is more likely to do any housework that needs done around the home without being asked by someone else first?
  4. Who will drop whatever they are doing just because you ask them for help with something important, but not urgent at that moment.
  5. Who is most likely to have their phone run out of battery during the day?
  6. Who is most likely to cry during a sad movie?
  7. Who is most likely to eat most of the candy in your bowl when you are not looking?
  8. Who is most likely to have dance parties by themselves when no one else is home?
  9. Who is most likely to win an argument with their significant other over something ridiculous they both know neither of them care about that much, but just can’t admit it yet?
  10. Who will be the first person up dancing at a party or club even though everyone else around them looks too cool for school and would never do anything like that?
  1. Who is most likely to make up a new dance move to try out at the next party?
  2. Who will most likely be first in line for all of the newest releases and can’t wait until they come out?
  3. Who is most likely to take the most selfies when you go out somewhere?
  4. Who will most likely be first in line at a concert to get up front and be able to touch their favorite band or singer?
  5. Who is most likely to make everyone feel like they are part of something special, even if it’s just meeting for coffee with one other person who really needed someone positive and happy that day?
  6. Who is most likely to want another child?
  7. Who is most likely to remember your birthday without an app reminder?
  8. Who is most likely to have a phone number from years ago because they never delete contacts no matter how long it’s been?
  9. Who is most likely to give most of their belongings away before they move?
  10. Who is most likely to be the first one dressed and ready for a party or event?
  1. Who is most likely to forget your anniversary?
  2. Who will do most of the talking when there are only two people in a room together?
  3. Who is most likely to buy more wine for the weekend?
  4. Who is most likely to skip delivery to save money?
  5. Who is most likely to have a yard sale?
  6. Who is most likely to be the designated driver for the night?
  7. Who is most likely to fake a cold to skip work?
  8. Who is most likely to call their parents every week?
  9. Who is most likely to make the most money on a side job?
  10. Who is most likely to start a business of their own?
  1. Who is most likely to paint the house a different color?
  2. Who is most likely to exercise each day?
  3. Who is most likely to take most of their clothes to a consignment store?
  4. Who is most likely to make the best coffee in the morning?
  5. Who is most likely to go out with friends on Saturday night instead of staying home and relaxing?
  6. Who is most likely to get a tattoo?
  7. Who is most likely to fall asleep on the couch?
  8. Who is most likely to skip brushing their teeth?
  9. Who is most likely to get arrested?
  10. Who is most likely to get a speeding ticket?
  1. Who is most likely to save their money?
  2. Who is most likely to go on a shopping spree?
  3. Who is most likely to save ticket stubs as memories?
  4. Who is most likely to plan date night?
  5. Who is most likely to surprise the other with a gift?
  6. Who is most likely to try to skip seeing their in laws?
  7. Who is most likely to trip over air?
  8. Who is most likely to get the hiccups?
  9. Who is most likely to wear their shirt backwards?
  10. Who is most likely to have the most followers on social media?
  1. Who is most likely to go the longest without checking their phone?
  2. Who is most likely to make the best cocktails for a party?
  3. Who is most likely to pay full price instead of waiting for a sale?
  4. Who is most likely to say “we can walk”?
  5. Who is most likely to take their clothes for dry cleaning?
  6. Who will be most likely to win an argument over which movie to watch tonight?
  7. Who is most likely to get lost when they go on a new adventure with you?
  8. Who is most likely to eat junk food all day?
  9. Who is most likely to go on a diet?
  10. Who is most likely to always be cold?
  1. Who is most likely to go snowboarding?
  2. Who is most likely to run in a triathlon?
  3. Who is most likely to embarrass themselves?
  4. Who is most likely to skip school?
  5. Who is most likely to fall asleep first?
  6. Who is most likely to be the last one out every time you go out for a night on the town?
  7. Who will most likely want more food if we’re having guests over tonight?
  8. Who is most likely to forget their wallet?
  9. Who is most likely to ask to go on dates?
  10. Who is most likely to be the best dressed person at a party?
  1. Who is most likely to break something valuable?
  2. Who will most likely make it home first from an after work happy hour with friends?
  3. Who is most likely to give up their seat on a crowded bus or subway train for a woman or an older person?
  4. Who is most likely to be the first one ready for a road trip and packed?
  5. Who will most likely want to go out even though we’re both tired from work today?
  6. Who is most likely to get lost while driving somewhere new?
  7. Who is most likely to be most productive in the morning?
  8. Who is most likely to get lost when we go on a road trip together?
  9. Who is most likely to plan an event?
  10. Who is most likely to make a big deal about things being organized or messy?
  1. Who is most likely to eat more than their share of snacks at a party?
  2. Who will most likely want to go to a party even if we have to work the next day?
  3. Who most likely will not participate in a dance class?
  4. Who is most likely to give a massage?
  5. Who is most likely to take the longest time in the shower?
  6. Who will most likely want more hugs and kisses?
  7. Who most likely wants kids one day?
  8. Who is most likely to cry at an emotional scene in a movie, TV show, etc.?
  9. Who most likely wants to take a road trip?
  10. Who is most likely to agree with everything I say even if they don’t really mean it just so we won’t argue and not talk for the rest of the night?
  1. Who is most likely to be unreachable on the weekend?
  2. Who most likely will want to go shopping?
  3. Who most likely wants more time alone to have some “me” time?
  4. Who is most likely to pick your future kids names?
  5. Who is most likely to be most scared to try new foods?
  6. Who is most likely to be first in line for the newest gadget or technology product release?
  7. Who most likely will want to pet a dog walking by?

Funny Most Likely To Questions

This is a game that is great to get silly by asking random, quirky or funny questions about each other or the group.

  1. Who is most likely to text/call their parents every day?
  2. Who is most likely to listen to Vanilla Ice CDs from 1992?
  3. Who will be late for everything, but never apologize about it ever?
  4. Who would win in a snowball fight with all your friends?
  5. Who most likely will take your side in an argument with a stranger?
  6. Who most likely won’t leave you hanging on plans for very long?
  7. Who’s name is most often found in phonebooks, yearbooks and social media sites?
  8. Who most likely will say no to an unplanned night out on the town with friends because they are too tired?
  9. Who is most likely to leave you on “read”?
  10. Who is most likely to get into trouble?
  1. Who most likely owns the most pair of shoes?
  2. Who’s name do most often appear on credit card bills?
  3. Who is most likely to order an item on the menu because of the funny name?
  4. Who is most likely to eat something crazy they’ve never had before?
  5. Who is most likely to copy and paste their work or homework from Google?
  6. Who is most likely to sleep 15 hours in a row?
  7. Who is most likely to adopt all the dogs at the pound?
  8. Who is most likely to accidentally write on the couch with a pen or permanent marker?
  9. Who most likely will show up to your house without asking?
  10. Who most likely will say no when asked if they want another drink even though it’s obvious that they do…?
  1. Who would most want to win the lottery?
  2. Who most likely will be most excited for a surprise birthday party?
  3. Who most likely would eat all of your Halloween candy if they got their hands on it first before you do…?
  4. Whose most likely to have text messages full of typos and/or emoji’s?
  5. Who is most likely to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving?
  6. Who is most likely to be on The Bachelor/Bachelorette?
  7. Who is most likely to play roller derby?
  8. Who is most likely to become a millionaire?
  9. Who is most likely to join the circus?
  10. Who is most likely to be an adult flower girl/guy in a wedding?
  1. Who’s most likely to laugh in inappropriate situations?
  2. Who’s most likely to forget the trash?
  3. Who’s most likely to buy cheap and then buy twice?
  4. Who’s most likely to stand a date up?
  5. Who’s most likely to stay up too late at night and be late for work?
  6. Who’s most likely to be the first one on the dancefloor?
  7. Who’s more likely to be the first one at the bar?
  8. Who’s more likely to get thrown out of a bar or club?
  9. Who’s more likely to join a cult?
  10. Who’s more likely to trip up in the street over their own feet?
  1. Who’s more likely to fall asleep in their dinner?
  2. Who’s more likely to quit a job they hate, even if they don’t have a back up plan?
  3. Who’s more likely to get on the wrong flight?
  4. Who is more likely to quit Facebook for a year?
  5. Who’s more likely to have the last chocolate without asking?
  6. Who’s more likely to star in a musical?
  7. Who’s more likely to pull a sick day after a night out?
  8. Who’s more likely to forget to get the clothes from the laundry?
  9. Who’s more likely to sleep all day Sunday?
  10. Who’s more likely to join the gym, and then not go, but still pay because you’re “definitely going to go”?

Best Most Likely To Questions For Friends

This is a fun game to play with all your friends. The more the merrier, but make sure all the friends know each other, so everyone can play.

Let each friend read out a question or just throw one out randomly for all to answer.

  1. Who is more likely to make you laugh all day?
  2. Who is most likely to share all the memes?
  3. Who is most likely to spend hours playing Dungeons & Dragons?
  4. Who is most likely to drink Mountain Dew all day?
  5. Who is most likely to be the first one on the dance floor?
  6. Who is most likely to be most excited for a wedding?
  7. Who most likely will be most scared to try new foods with you?
  8. Who most likely will want to make sure everyone feels included when they are around?
  9. Who is most likely to bring up politics?
  10. Who most likely will leave you hanging on plans with them?
  1. Who most likely to plan a surprise birthday party?
  2. Whose most likely to have a camera roll full of memes?
  3. Who most likely will take your side in an argument with another friend of yours even though they are not involved?
  4. Who most likely will try to one up you in every story?
  5. Who most likely can eat all the pizza and still have room for more if someone else was buying dinner tonight…?

Good Most Likely To Questions For Families

If you want to play this game with your family, think of fun questions that will make the family have to decide who the questions most represents.

Have each family member read a question out loud and each person can shout out their answer.

  1. Who is more likely to forget someone’s birthday?
  2. Who is most likely to leave dirty dishes around the house?
  3. Who is more likely to be late everywhere you go together as a family?
  4. Who is most likely to complain about how long it takes us to finish errands?
  5. Who will probably spend too much time looking for parking spaces when we could have just gotten one sooner but further away?
  6. Who is most likely to drink all the coffee?
  7. Who is more likely to bring you soup when you are sick?
  8. Who is most likely to snap at the kids in a really bad mood?
  9. Who most likely will have to take over when your spouse is having an off day and isn’t feeling well enough to cook dinner or clean up afterwards…?
  10. Who most likely will be most excited for pie after Thanksgiving dinner?
  1. Who is most likely to be most excited for a newborn baby?
  2. Who most likely wants to take pictures of the family on vacation?
  3. Whose most likely to complain about having nothing fun or interesting planned for the weekend?
  4. Who is most likely to try and convince you to let them babysit the kids when they’ve never done it before?
  5. Who most likely will be most excited for a family reunion or holiday gathering?
  6. Who is most likely to secretly eat all of the chips in the house?
  7. Who is more likely to spend most of the time on their phone while we’re all together as a family?
  8. Who most likely will want to go home earlier than everyone else…?
  9. Who most likely would take care of your kids if you had an emergency and couldn’t find anyone else to watch them for you?
  10. Who most likely will be most excited when it’s time to decorate the house for Christmas?

Most Likely To Questions For Siblings

  1. Who is most likely to stay up late playing video games?
  2. Who is more likely to argue with their parents about bedtime?
  3. Who is most likely to ask for extra snacks at dinner time?
  4. Who is most likely to eat all of the candy before Halloween can even get here?
  5. Who is most likely to leave dishes everywhere in the kitchen between school and sports practice?
  6. Who will most likely eat all of the leftovers first, even if it means they have to heat up a cold slice of pizza for dinner?
  7. Who is most likely to get grounded?
  8. Who will most likely forget to do laundry until there are no clean clothes left!?
  9. Who is most likely to finish the last of the chips?
  10. Who is most likely to put an empty container back in the pantry?
  1. Who is most likely to get bad grades in school?
  2. Who is most likely to get a ticket while driving?
  3. Who is most likely to get called to the principals office?
  4. Who is most likely to get a good grade on their report card?
  5. Who is most likely to stay up all night long because they can’t sleep?
  6. Who is most likely to be the most responsible kid in your family?
  7. Who is most likely to help you with chores around the house?
  8. Who will most likely remember important dates like birthdays, anniversaries and holidays without needing a reminder?
  9. Who is most likely to take out the trash?
  10. Who will most likely get into trouble for sneaking off with friends during family get togethers?
  11. Who’s bedtime is most flexible?
  12. Who is more likely to get straight A’s without studying much?

Random Who’s Most Likely To Questions

  1. Who’s most likely to join a gym?
  2. Who’s most likely to drink too much?
  3. Who’s most likely to buy something they don’t need, rather than save?
  4. Who’s most likely to rent an apartment, rather than buy?
  5. Who’s most likely to get lost?
  6. Who’s most likely to order salad at a restaurant?
  7. Who’s most likely to order a starter over dessert at a restaurant?
  8. Who’s most likely to forget their own birthday?
  9. Who’s most likely to not leave a note if they bump another car?
  10. Who’s most likely to get involved in fancy dress?
  1. Who’s most likely to be late?
  2. Who’s most likely to get a speeding ticket?
  3. Who’s most likely to hold a door open for someone?
  4. Who’s more likely to be the last one on the dancefloor?
  5. Who’s more likely to go vegetarian or vegan?
  6. Who’s more likely to move abroad?
  7. Who’s more likely to wake up before their alarm?
  8. Who’s more likely to throw a surprise party for their other half?
  9. Who’s most likely to agree to do something just so there isn’t an argument?
  10. Who’s most likely to kick up a fuss over something trivial, to make a point?
  1. Who’s most likely to buy a book over a movie?
  2. Who’s most likely to dress up as something scary at Halloween rather than go for something sexy?
  3. Who’s most likely to stay in on New Year’s Eve?
  4. Who’s most likely to make a move on their date?
  5. Who’s most likely to offer to pay if an old lady forgets her money getting out of a cab?
  6. Who’s most likely to admit fault if they are late to work?
  7. Who’s most likely to do something out of their comfort zone?
  8. Who’s most likely to get married, or at least, wants to get married more?
  9. Who’s most likely to travel somewhere hot rather than cold?
  10. Who’s most likely to learn to skii?
  1. Who’s more likely to fall asleep on a plane?
  2. Who’s more likely to jump out of a plane?
  3. Who is more likely to give up Instagram for a month?
  4. Who’s more likely to have free internet for a week, but not be allowed to travel anywhere other than home and work?
  5. Who’s more likely to write a book?
  6. Who’s more likely to forget their passport?
  7. Who’s more likely to fall out with their mum?
  8. Who’s more likely to live with their dad?
  9. Who’s more likely to get on with their siblings?
  10. Who’s more likely to drop their phone down the drain?
  1. Who’s more likely to graduate with flying colors?
  2. Who’s more likely to cook every night?
  3. Who’s more likely to skip the dentist?
  4. Who’s more likely to rush to work if they’re late, rather than not attend at all?
  5. Who’s more likely to go for a promotion?
  6. Who’s more likely to ignore a bill sent through the mail?
  7. Who’s more likely to watch a horror movie?
  8. Who’s more likely to buy snacks at a movie rather than take your own?
  9. Who’s more likely to offer to cook for your parents, than wait for an invite to go to them?
  10. Who’s more likely to try online dating?
  1. Who’s more likely to put the wrong colors in the wash and then an accident happens?
  2. Who’s more likely to snooze their alarm over and over, than get up straight away?
  3. Who’s more likely to shop by brand rather than price, when you’re getting groceries?
  4. Who’s more likely to sit back in a social setting, rather than be the chatty one?
  5. Who’s more likely to offer to buy a round of drinks?
  6. Who’s more likely to walk to a nearby party, rather than pay for a cab?
  7. Who’s more likely to run a marathon?
  8. Who’s more likely to over work than underwork?
  9. Who’s more likely to deliberately miss a call from someone they don’t want to talk to?
  10. Who’s more likely to ask someone else to call the cab?
  1. Who’s more likely to ask someone else to pay for their drink if they can’t afford it that time?
  2. Who’s more likely to forget they owe someone money?
  3. Who’s more likely to visit their grandparents on a regular basis?
  4. Who’s more likely to start a movie, turn it off within half an hour and then never finish it?
  5. Who’s more likely to lose sleep over bills?
  6. Who’s more likely to lose sleep over a lover?
  7. Who’s more likely to be late to a wedding, as a guest?
  8. Who’s more likely to get badly drunk as a wedding guest?
  9. Who’s more likely to be the one looking after someone else when they get overly drunk at any event?
  10. Who’s more likely to choose sweet food over savory?
  1. Who’s more likely to fall in love easier with someone?
  2. Who’s most likely to bump into a street light on accident?
  3. Who’s most likely to play video games all night?
  4. Who’s most likely to send a meme or GIF instead of an actual text message?
  5. Who’s most likely to send a voicenote?
  6. Who’s most likely to hoard?
  7. Who’s more likely to try new foods?
  8. Who’s more likely to get in a heated debate when they’re drunk?
  9. Who’s more likely to get offended easily over something minor?
  10. Who’s more likely to stay in a relationship for fear of being single?

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

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